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Download Cider for free. Cider is a respository for first class Java Swing frameworks written for Mac OS X.

Coming soon: Windows games that will run on thanks to TransGaming’s new software. There’s no rebooting involved and no separate Windows partition to be installed. It all happens transparently. TransGaming, which several years ago dipped its toes in the Mac game market with conversions from leading Mac game publishers, is taking another step into the Mac market, this time adopting their Cedega technology for Linux to run on Intel-based Macs. The result is a forthcoming series of games from PC game publishers that TransGaming’s CEO Vikas Gupta calls a “transparent” experience for Mac gamers.

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  • Although Cider wraps the Windows game, TransGaming is still shooting for a fundamentally Mac-like gaming experience, according to State. “It is a Mac product,” State said.

“Cider games will run as if they were made for Mac OS X,” Gupta told Macworld in a recent interview. With Cider, Mac users’ long wait for Mac OS X-native games is a thing of the past—Mac users will be able to run Cider-enhanced Windows games simultaneously or nearly simultaneously with their PC counterparts, said Gupta. Cider that’s distilled from WINE One thing that makes Cider different is that the game is effectively “wrapped” with TransGaming’s technology. Users pop in a disc, install the game, and run it just as they would a standard Mac OS X application. But instead of Mac OS X, the game remains a Windows application. Cider, meanwhile, translates on the fly the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that the game needs to call in order to work.

This is significantly different than Apple’s software, which requires Intel Mac users to restart their systems in order to work with Windows XP applications. It’s also very different from, which uses virtual machine technology built into the Intel chips Apple uses in its new Macs to enable users to run Windows and Windows applications inside of a window on their Mac OS X desktop—that doesn’t provide graphics acceleration and other things needed to run Windows games on the Mac. Instead, Cider is conceptually similar to, CodeWeavers’ recently announced software that will enable Macs to run Windows applications on Mac OS X.

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In fact, CrossOver, Cider and Cedega all have their roots in WINE. An acronym for WINE Is Not an Emulator, the software is an open source effort to make Linux-based computers run Windows application, not through emulation but through a translation layer that handles Windows-specific application code dynamically. “Cider is quite considerably removed from WINE,” said Gupta. “They branched about three and a half years ago.” Gupta said that while WINE remains a general-purpose translation environment and CrossOver is more aimed at business application users than gamers, TransGaming’s Cider is specifically focused on getting Windows games to run well on Intel-based Macs.

Also, because Cider “wraps” the Windows games, there isn’t a separate Cider software environment that needs to be maintained—it’s built right into the games themselves. Gupta said that Cider doesn’t increase the risk of being infected by Windows viruses or malware, either. “It’s a closed environment, thoroughly protected on our end as well,” he said. “We’re giving Mac users the experience they’ve always had. We understand Mac users and the Apple look and feel.” The Cider press TransGaming is already working with several PC game publishers to bring forth Cider-vetted games—Gupta said a half-dozen new titles are already in the works. The company takes the game, optimizes Cider to work with it and then returns the enhanced game to the publisher for further quality assurance (QA). “We do our own Quality Assurance and testing,” Gupta said.

“The publisher will do their own QA to give the game their stamp of approval.” “One thing that makes this remarkable is that we’re not asking for any money up front,” said Gupta. “We’re using a revenue sharing model.” Gupta said that PC games running using Cider on an Intel-based Mac provide near-native performance. “The average user won’t be able to discern any difference,” he said. Though in some cases, Gupta indicated users are bound to see 10 to 15 percent lower frame rates than they would in a truly native game.

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Apple is infamous among game developers for significantly changing OpenGL and other APIs needed for games during maintenance upgrades to operating systems. In many cases, this has broken compatibility with popular games, forcing developers to release point updates for their games to restore their ability to work on the Mac. “The process for Cider is no different than it is today,” said Gupta. “Apple knows what we’ve been doing, we’ve had a good relationship with them for a long time. We’re confident we’ll be apprised of major changes when they happen. But with or without Apple’s help, we can make changes quickly and get updates out to our users.” Fresh Cider in October Gupta estimates that Mac users will begin seeing Cider-enhanced games appear on store shelves in October, in time for the holidays. Initially, Cider-enhanced games for the Mac will appear on store shelves in their own boxes, separate from their PC counterparts.

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But Gupta said that TransGaming is hoping to see simultaneous releases for Mac and PC, perhaps even in the same box, if Mac gamers and PC game publishers both like the taste of Cider. This story, 'Cider' makes Windows games run on Intel Macs' was originally published.

With an all-new design that looks great on macOS Big Sur, Xcode 12 has customizable font sizes for the navigator, streamlined code completion, and new document tabs. Xcode 12 builds Universal apps by default to support Mac with Apple Silicon, often without changing a single line of code.

Designed for macOS Big Sur.

Xcode 12 looks great on macOS Big Sur, with a navigator sidebar that goes to the top of the window and clear new toolbar buttons. The navigator defaults to a larger font that’s easier to read, while giving you multiple size choices. New document tabs make it easy to create a working set of files within your workspace.

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Document tabs.

The new tab model lets you open a new tab with a double-click, or track the selected file as you click around the navigator. You can re-arrange the document tabs to create a working set of files for your current task, and configure how content is shown within each tab. The navigator tracks the open files within your tabs using strong selection.

Navigator font sizes.

The navigator now tracks the system setting for “Sidebar icon size” used in Finder and Mail. You can also choose a unique font size just for Xcode within Preferences, including the traditional dense information presentation, and up to large fonts and icon targets.

Code completion streamlined.

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A new completion UI presents only the information you need, taking up less screen space as you type. And completions are presented much faster, so you can keep coding at maximum speed.

Redesigned organizer.

An all-new design groups all critical information about each of your apps together in one place. Choose any app from any of your teams, then quickly navigate to inspect crash logs, energy reports, and performance metrics, such as battery consumption and launch time of your apps when used by customers.


SwiftUI offers new features, improved performance, and the power to do even more, all while maintaining a stable API that makes it easy to bring your existing SwiftUI code forward into Xcode 12. A brand new life cycle management API for apps built with SwiftUI lets you write your entire app in SwiftUI and share even more code across all Apple platforms. And a new widget platform built on SwiftUI lets you build widgets that work great on iPad, iPhone, and Mac. Your SwiftUI views can now be shared with other developers, and appear as first-class controls in the Xcode library. And your existing SwiftUI code continues to work, while providing faster performance, better diagnostics, and access to new controls.

Universal app ready.

Xcode 12 is built as a Universal app that runs 100% natively on Intel-based CPUs and Apple Silicon for great performance and a snappy interface.* It also includes a unified macOS SDK that includes all the frameworks, compilers, debuggers, and other tools you need to build apps that run natively on Apple Silicon and the Intel x86_64 CPU.

Updated automatically

When you open your project in Xcode 12, your app is automatically updated to produce release builds and archives as Universal apps. When you build your app, Xcode produces one binary “slice” for Apple Silicon and one for the Intel x86_64 CPU, then wraps them together as a single app bundle to share or submit to the Mac App Store. You can test this at any time by selecting “Any Mac” as the target in the toolbar.

Test multiple architectures.

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On the new Mac with Apple Silicon, you can run and debug apps running on either the native architecture or on Intel virtualization by selecting “My Mac (Rosetta)” in the toolbar.

Multiplatform template

New multiplatform app templates set up new projects to easily share code among iOS, iPadOS, and macOS using SwiftUI and the new lifecycle APIs. The project structure encourages sharing code across all platforms, while creating special custom experiences for each platform where it makes sense for your app.

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Improved auto-indentation

Swift code is auto-formatted as you type to make common Swift code patterns look much better, including special support for the “guard” command.

StoreKit testing

New tools in Xcode let you create StoreKit files that describe the various subscription and in-app purchase products your app can offer, and create test scenarios to make sure everything works great for your customers — all locally testable on your Mac.

Get started.

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Download Xcode 12 and use these resources to build apps for all Apple platforms.