Itap For Mac

Remote Desktop for Mac. Remote Desktop Setup for Windows 7. Portfolio NetPublish. Portfolio Server. Finding your files. You might know ITaP's VPN service by the names 'WebVPN' or 'AnyConnect Portal'. Or you might know that a Cisco client application is one way to access the service. This article provides notes for Macintosh users connecting to VPN for the first time and for Mac users who might be seeing problems on later attempts.

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Mar 17, 2009
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2008 15' MBP Yosemite, 2012 21.5' iMac Yosemite
Does anyone have any experience with the iPad app 'iTap RDP Remote Client'? It's the $11.99 one.
My wife surprised me with an iPad yesterday and there's this one thing on our Dell dekstop that she just absolutely has to be able to access with the iPad, so I installed the aforementioned app.
After much configuration on the Dell (firewall exceptions, etc.) I managed to at least connect to it.
The first thing it brings up after you establish a connection is the Windows Logon 'Box'. I entered my Windows account name correctly and the password. No dice. Error message was bascially saying to enter the name and password correctly (which I did). I should also mentioned I tried logging in from the iPad both when my account was logged in on the Dell and when it was logged off. No difference.
So, then I created a new administrator account and didn't assign it a password. Still wouldn't connect, but gave me a different error message. This error message said something about a problem with the type of account I was using. *rolls eyes*
I e-mailed iTap support, but I'm not expecting anyone to respond on the weekend. I was hoping maybe someone on here has used this app on the iPad and knows what the heck I'm missing. I'm just hoping it's something simple. I have Windows XP Pro 2002 SP3, so I know it's not the version of Windows.
Thanks in advance, everyone!

Introduction: Purdue ITap Printer for Mac

This guide shows you how to set up the Purdue print drivers on a Mac computer.

Step 1: Open 'System Preference'

Step 2: Find 'Printers & Scanners'

Step 3: Locate '+' Button and Press It

Step 4: Right Click on Grey Space Next to Three Dots on the Top of the Screen

Step 5: Click 'Customize Toolbar...'

Step 6: Drag 'Advanced' Button Onto the Bar.

Press 'Done'

Step 7: Go to 'Advanced' by Clicking the Button

Step 8: Add Printer Information

Select 'Windows printer via spoolss' on Type.

Type out 'smb://' for black and white

Type out 'smb://' for color printer.

Type appropriate name for the printer, I choose 'iTap Printer (B&W)', and 'iTap Printer (Color)' respectivly

Type appropriate Location for the printer, I choose 'Purdue'

Select 'Generic PostScript Printer' for Use:

Step 9: Select 'Duplex' Setting

This enables double side printing, and will help you save money.

Itap For Mac Pro

Step 10: Your Printer Is Added!

Good job!

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