Transcend Driver For Mac

Typically new hard drives, or ones that have been used with Windows, are formatted to NTFS. Macs can read but not write to NTFS. Are you sure the drive is fully functional with your Mac? If you format a drive to Mac format you will find it does not work with windows unless you buy third party software to enable it. Likewise, you have to use third party software to get NTFS to fully work on Macs. The only format that really works with both without additional support is FAT, but there are many limitations to using this pretty old formatting system. There's no ideal solution for dual use and it would help to have more details as to what you intend to do with this drive. I use a Flash drive for dual use but I leave it as FAT since I don't need to copy on huge files.

Solution #1: Connect Transcend Pen Drive To Another PC or Mac Sometimes, the USB port of your system does not work properly or the USB port itself is damaged. So, if you notice that USB flash drive light is blinking but it is not getting read by the system, then you can try to connect the pen drive to another system and check if it is getting. Download For Mac Transcend Hard Drive Windows 7. Furthermore, installing the wrong Transcend drivers can make these problems even worse. Recommendation: If you are inexperienced with updating Transcend device drivers manually, we highly recommend downloading the Transcend External Hard Drive Driver Utility. This tool will download and update.

Storejet Transcend Driver Windows 10

Transcend Driver For Mac

Transcend External Hard Drive Driver

Jun 12, 2012 7:19 AM